
Learn and create with master craftspeople in your community.

Create Extraordinary Handcrafted Bracelets

June Lantz, founder of Junestones, uses the metaphysical properties of stones and gems to create leather wrap bracelets with beneficial energies and healing intentions. With June you'll learn to make these popular, bohemian style wrap bracelets using semi-precious and precious stones.

Learn to Make Extraordinary Pieces of Wearable Art with Semi-Precious and Precious Stones

Soulcraft This!

Description - Each stone you’ll work with has its own intrinsic energy that resonates with us as individuals. Consider the fact that any rock on this planet has traveled far and long to be here. From its conception as a single element birthed from the stars to its collision course with other elements, becoming molecules, changing form from gas to liquid to solid and back again, living its own journey through millennia – ALL just to be present in your life today to speak to you through cosmic frequencies.  Everyone adorns themselves, including their homes with rocks, crystals, and gemstones. From a wedding ring to carefully chosen rocks in a garden. Now you’ll get learn how to weave them into a gorgeous leather wrap bracelet. 

Working with the healing energies and vibrations of gorgeous pieces of stones from our planet is incredibly gratifying. Not only will you walk away with an amazing piece of wearable art, you’ll also learn about the metaphysical properties of the stones you’ll be working with. 

Cost - $75 per person for a group of 3-5 (private sessions available upon request)

Includes all materials to complete a 3 wrap bracelet: stones, leather and thread, metal button.

You’ll get to pick stones that speak to you, whether it’s the color, the energy, the vibration or just that you’re attracted to a particular stone that resonates with you.

This experience can take place in my studio in Downtown Boulder or I can travel to you. 

About June Lantz


Here’s a brief tale of what inspired me to create these gorgeous pieces of wearable art. After 13 years of time spent in a job disconnected from my soul, my tank was depleted and my life was jettisoning into a purposeless vortex. So I quit! Just like that!  It was the most difficult and scariest break-up I’ve ever experienced in my life…ever!

At the time, a friend was staying with me and taught me the stitch that is required to make this style of wrap bracelet. I quickly mastered the technique. Finding places that sold exceptional stones, crystals and gems, I spent hours upon hours touching, learning and absorbing the metaphysical and healing properties of all the different stones and gems. It calmed my nerves, it gave me a gentle focus, and I began healing myself through the power of these incredible nuggets of Earth! I became obsessed with color and texture and above all the vibration and energy each stone possessed. With Junestones, I have the ability to create something unusual, beautiful, and useful with them.

Each and every stone I work with holds extraordinary beauty and power. Every bracelet I create bewitches me. They hold the power to transform your energy, your heart and your mind. Making these pieces of beauty is a gift that I’m now able to share with you.