Learn From Local Masters
Soulcrafting is an online marketplace to learn and create with master craftspeople in your community. We're based in Boulder, Colorado.
Video produced by the lovely people at Quadrid Productions.
Useful Arts - Soulcrafters are skilled in an astonishing array of useful arts: they are furniture makers and chefs, woodworkers and sculptors, welders and gardeners, and much more. Our craftspeople are committed to sharing their art and are exceptional mentors and teachers. They provide the tools, materials, and expertise to help you realize your vision, acquire useful skills, and perhaps discover a new passion. You can do all of this at prices that are competitive with simply buying the products and services you want.
At Home or Behind the Scenes - Many Soulcrafting experiences take place from the comfort of your home. Others allow you to set foot in professional workspaces that were previously off limits or hidden from view. Either way, Soulcrafting helps to dissolve barriers between craftspeople and consumers, and between consumers and the crafts themselves. You learn about a new craft by making stuff. You learn about your community by meeting people. And you learn about yourself by trying new things and getting your hands dirty.
“To fix one’s own car is not merely to use up time, it is to have a different experience of time, of one’s car, and of oneself.”